COVID 19 and it's impact on stock....

Everything has changed……..
Customers who used to treat us as a small insignificant transactional relationship are now stopping to thank us for the work we are doing, they value the formerly insignificant things we delivered in to their work places.
Having a well-connected, well educated and informed hygiene supplier today has become one of the most important things you can have. We have remained open during this pandemic, and it has not been easy for anyone who works here at Astral Hygiene. We’ve had to reassure scared and anxious people, we have had to deal with angry customers who can’t get what they need, we’ve had members of the public who have never shopped with us before being rude to our team members…. It’s been hard for us as it has been hard for everyone.
Over the last few weeks we have had waves of demand put upon us, our stocks of everything were absolutely ransacked…first came hand sanitisers…. then came toilet rolls…. then gloves, aprons, goggles, overshoes, then hand sanitisers again. We have been overrun at times with people waiting at our window tapping their watches because we have locked down the building, we have had the phones ringing all day everyday when there is just a single person in the office – the caller asks the same thing hopefully “do you have hand sanitiser?”.
The scammers and opportunists are circling us like sharks, trying to obtain the hand sanitiser to re-sell – which we never allow, and will go to great lengths to check the people who are claiming to have doctors surgeries and dental surgeries – are actually practicing medics – this usually always ends up with confrontation – which we hate but are ready for battle to protect the people we need to protect – the most vulnerable. We feel we are doing our absolute best for everyone who contacts us and we are trying …like our suppliers with all our might and every bit of resolve and determination to get supplies to the end user. So here is an update on our stock levels.
With regard to hand sanitisers, we usually get our sanitisers from two separate suppliers. I must say that during this pandemic we have been approached multiple times by new suppliers asking us to do business with them – they can supply hand sanitiser. We don’t ever just engage a new supplier, quality control, licencing, testing and relationships must be built before we engage a new supplier. Bringing a new supplier in now would not be good reputation management for us.
The first hand sanitiser supplier is Gojo Purell who supply all of the NHS and all of the medical bodies around the UK, this means that we are a recognised partner distributor, but at the current time and in the current climate we are not a priority. Purell are prioritising NHS and all healthcare over distributors like ourselves, which we wholeheartedly agree with.
We are expecting a shipment of Purell in a limited size range, most of which has been reserved for customers; however some will be released on our website on a first come first serve basis. As we receive more stock from Purell we will be allocate this stock to customers who have reserved and any extra will be going on our website. To get website updates I would recommend liking our Facebook page follow us on Instagram and Twitter to get the heads up on stock which will be going up for sale. I’ve hyperlinked our pages so just click on the link and click like or follow.
Because Purell is prioritised in the NHS, and will be for the coming months, we are more reliant on an alternative supplier for a 73% alcohol hand gel. At the current time they supply chain for this product has faced unprecedented challenges. There was a shortage of Alcohol three weeks ago, and with the resolve and determination they have managed to find alternative suppliers of alcohol to use as a raw ingredient of the formulation of this hand gel. As the virus has taken hold and more individuals or self isolating this is directly affected the manufacturing of this hand gel.
Particularly the challenge we currently face is having enough people to manufacture the product; so it’s having enough bodies on the manufacturing line to run it safely – that’s the challenge. Our supplier is exercising a great deal of due diligence in the decision making process of when it is safe to manufacture and they put all distributors on a quota so that they can manufacture safely & thoroughly to the standard which we have all become accustomed to.
This is something to be admired and appreciated and grateful for. All manufacturers are working very hard to bring the product to us and our sister organisations so we can bring it to you. I would beware of those hand sanitisers with less than 60% alcohol, because 60% alcohol is what is required to kill viruses and bacteria. There are hand gels out there being sold in leading High Street stores with less than 60% alcohol. I would also be aware of brands which say it’s ingredients operate in line with BS EN 1276 and the like; because operating in line with does not necessarily mean that it is as effective as an accredited product that carries the BS EN 1276 badge/accreditation – it is merely a claim (this happens a lot in the chemical industry!). Brands that say they operate in line with are effectively saying they are not BS EN 1276 accredited. This product is BS EN 1276 which is proven to kill bacteria on a hard surface and is also BS EN 1500 which is a specific test for hand gel bacteria kill rate.
Only buy it from a reputable distributor who can provide safety datasheets and relevant credible information about to the product. Golden rule alcohol content over 60% is an absolute must. The current situation with our hand sanitiser is this; we have a batch which is currently being manufactured; we have ordered our quota and we will get it as soon as it’s ready. It is coming in 5 litres, and individuals will be limited to 4 each – healthcare can have as many as they like – they must provide evidence that they are practicing. I cannot give you any further information, as I don’t have any more information. I’m expecting it very soon, hopefully within the week, but in this climate at this time there is no guarantees.
Aprons, gloves, PPE, overshoes, masks etc. we can no longer get any of this and the lead times in terms of the coming into the UK and us being able to put it back on our website and bring it to our end users will be at least June 2020. This is due to the high demand a great deal of supplies being diverted to first-line services; and many are stockpiling these goods in preparation for the Pandemic.
Antibacterial wipes which carry an accreditation are the same, the supply chain has been absolutely ransacked so there are none left in the UK. We are expecting domestic toilet roll in next week, and this is available by the case of 40 rolls.
Our suppliers are working very hard and are runing the manufacturing line for 5ltrs of key chemicals which we jointly deem as being very important in the fight against COVID-19. These chemicals are suitable for domestic environments, care homes, hospitals, & doctors – because they all carry the accreditation BS EN 1276 which is a bacteria kill rate on a hard surface within 30 seconds for all of these products.
Most reputable distributors/manufacturers will tell you that COVID 19 is the new virus and one that has been not released to commercial labs to test. Therefore anybody who is claiming that their product will categorically kill COVID-19 is not being honest – because there is no way to know.
We are advising that the products that we are recommending that have likely efficacy against COVID 19 would be Selgiene Extreme, Kitchen Cleaner, Pink Pearl, and White Bactericidal Food Grade Soap. We are giving this advice because the WHO recommend washing your hands for 20 seconds with any soap – it does not need to be a bactericidal soap.
We have also advising that we believe that Selgiene Extreme, and Kitchen Cleaner have a likely efficacy against COVID 19 because it carries the BS EN 1276 accreditation which means it has a bacteria kill rate within 30 seconds including a kill rate of MRSA and E. Coli. Selden extreme is also proven to kill Nora Virus, HIV and AIDS in a laboratory environment.
COVID 19 sits in the coronavirus family, so does the cold and so does the flu and Kitchen Cleaner kills to a BS EN 1276 standard and Selgiene Extreme kills to a BS EN 1276, 13704, 1650,14476 & 14675 standards – so these are the big boys. Our microbiology team believe this is a informed assumption to make that both of these chemicals have a likely efficacy against COVID 19. The soaps are trying to dissolve the fat which helps the virus stick to your skin either of these will be successful. I am always saying speak to the experts, talk to us, ask us questions never has been more important we are here to support, reassure, and to supply for the duration.
Stay safe, stay indoors, protect yourself, our NHS, our care workers and everyone around you.